Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Marketing Ideas For 2008

A New Year brings new marketing stratgies! I've done some brainstorming and I came up with some new ideas. Sales of my handwoven baskets from my website ( have been steady, but craft show sales were slow this year. I can't help but feel that attendance at these shows has been down because too many of them are allowing people to sell too many "non-craft" items. When I go to a craft show, I expect to see hand made crafts and artwork, not something with "Made in........" stickers on them. I think that expectation is mirrored by others who have just gotten tired of wasting their time at what have turned into import shows rather than handcrafted shows.

To keep sales steady, I'm considering contacting local businesses and hopefully contracting with them to provide baskets they can use in their businesses. We have several new local wineries who might be interested in my Wine Baskets for use in their gift basket line.

Another possibility is local Real Estate agents. Most agents provide a "thank you" gift for their new home buyers and what new home owner wouldn't like to walk in their new kitchen and find a basket full of goodies and information about the area waiting for them? Any of my Organization Baskets would be perfect....they could even be done with trim colors to match the new home.

Now......where are my Yellow Pages??

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